How To Open Multiple Windows in Microsoft Teams

How To Open Multiple Windows in Microsoft Teams

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, effective communication and collaboration are paramount for success, whether you’re working on a team project, attending meetings, or engaging in one-on-one conversations. Microsoft Teams has emerged as a versatile platform that caters to these needs, providing a seamless environment for communication, file sharing, and collaboration. However, as our workloads grow and tasks become more complex, the ability to multitask efficiently becomes increasingly crucial. That’s where the power of opening multiple windows in Microsoft Teams comes into play.

Understanding the Need for Multiple Windows in Microsoft Teams

Imagine a scenario where you’re participating in a team meeting while simultaneously engaging in a private chat with a colleague about an urgent matter. In addition, you need to keep an eye on a specific channel where important project updates are being shared. Switching between these tasks within a single window can be time-consuming and disruptive to your workflow. This is where the need for multiple windows in Microsoft Teams becomes evident.

Enhancing Productivity through Multitasking

The modern work environment demands multitasking, and Microsoft Teams recognizes this need by offering features that allow you to manage multiple conversations, meetings, and tasks simultaneously. By opening separate windows, you can seamlessly navigate between various conversations and activities, reducing the friction of constant switching and optimizing your workflow.

Exploring the Features That Support Multiple Windows

Microsoft Teams offers a range of features designed to support multitasking and the opening of multiple windows:

Chat Windows: Keeping Conversations at Your Fingertips

Opening separate chat windows is a game-changer when it comes to managing multiple conversations. To do this, simply click on a chat and select the “Pop out chat” option. The chat will then open in a new window, allowing you to continue the conversation while navigating other parts of Teams.

Meeting Windows: A World of Parallel Meetings

Meetings are an integral part of remote collaboration, and Teams enables you to participate in multiple meetings simultaneously. The “Meet Now” feature allows you to initiate ad-hoc meetings in separate windows, making it easier to juggle different discussions without missing a beat.

Channel Tabs: Navigating Multiple Channels with Ease

Channels are the heart of team-based collaboration in Microsoft Teams. Opening separate windows for different channels and tabs enables you to stay up-to-date on various projects, discussions, and files without disrupting your primary view. This feature is particularly valuable for project managers and team leads who need to oversee multiple initiatives.

Step-by-Step Guide: How to Open Multiple Windows in Microsoft Teams

Now that we understand the importance of opening multiple windows in Microsoft Teams, let’s delve into a step-by-step guide on how to effectively use this feature to enhance your productivity.

1: Opening Separate Chat Windows

  1. Initiating a Chat: Start by selecting the chat you want to open in a separate window. This could be a one-on-one conversation or a group chat.
  2. Pop Out Chat: Within the chat window, locate the ellipsis (…) menu and click on it. From the dropdown menu, select the “Pop out chat” option.
  3. Resizing and Arranging: Once the chat opens in a new window, you have the flexibility to resize and arrange it according to your preferences. You can position it side by side with your main Teams window or place it on a separate monitor if you have multiple displays.

2: Joining Multiple Meetings

  1. Meet Now: To join multiple meetings simultaneously, consider using the “Meet Now” feature. Click on the “Meetings” tab in the left sidebar, then select “Meet Now.”
  2. Initiating Parallel Meetings: Once the first meeting window opens, return to the main Teams window and repeat the process to initiate another meeting. This will open a separate meeting window, allowing you to actively participate in both discussions.
  3. Managing Audio and Video: When participating in multiple meetings, it’s important to manage your audio and video settings to avoid any unwanted interruptions. Mute your microphone and disable your camera when not actively speaking to ensure a smooth experience in both meetings.

3: Accessing Different Channels and Tabs

  1. Navigating Channels: In the left sidebar of Microsoft Teams, you’ll find a list of your channels. To open a channel in a separate window, simply right-click on the channel name and select “Open in new window.”
  2. Tab Management: Within each channel, you have the option to add tabs that provide quick access to files, apps, and external resources. To open multiple tabs in separate windows, click on the “+” icon at the top of the channel, select the desired tab type, and customize its content.
  3. Customizing Your Workspace: Arrange the channel windows and tabs in a way that suits your workflow. You can have different channels and tabs open side by side, making it effortless to switch between projects and discussions.

Pro Tips for Enhanced Productivity

As you become proficient in opening multiple windows in Microsoft Teams, consider incorporating these pro tips into your workflow to further enhance your productivity:

Keyboard Shortcuts: Your Shortcut to Efficiency

Microsoft Teams offers a range of keyboard shortcuts that streamline window management and navigation. Familiarize yourself with shortcuts like:

  1. Ctrl + N: Start a new chat.
  2. Ctrl + E: Search for content.
  3. Ctrl + 1-6: Switch between different sections of Teams.
  4. Ctrl + Shift + T: Open a new tab.
  5. Ctrl + Shift + M: Toggle mute in a meeting.

These shortcuts empower you to navigate and manage windows without lifting your hands off the keyboard, significantly boosting your efficiency.

Dual Monitors: Expanding Your Workspace

If you have access to multiple monitors, take full advantage of the extended screen real estate. Open different Teams windows and arrange them across your monitors to create a seamless and expansive workspace. This setup is particularly beneficial for individuals who frequently collaborate on multiple projects or need to monitor various discussions simultaneously.

Setting Up Notifications: Staying Informed Without Overwhelm

With multiple windows open, it’s essential to manage notifications effectively. Customize your notification settings in Microsoft Teams to receive alerts only for high-priority conversations or mentions. This ensures that you stay informed without being inundated with constant notifications from every open window.

Overcoming Challenges and Considerations

While opening multiple windows in Microsoft Teams can greatly enhance productivity, it’s important to be aware of potential challenges and considerations:

System Resources and Performance

Running multiple Teams windows concurrently may consume more system resources, potentially impacting the performance of your device. If you notice any sluggishness or slowdown, consider closing unnecessary windows or applications to free up resources.

Organizational Strategy

Maintaining organization and avoiding confusion between different windows require a strategic approach. Label your windows clearly to indicate the context or purpose of each conversation or meeting. This labeling system can help you quickly identify and switch to the right window, minimizing the risk of mixing up discussions.

Advanced Techniques for Power Users

For those looking to take their multitasking prowess to the next level, consider exploring advanced techniques:

Automation with Microsoft Power Automate

Microsoft Power Automate allows you to create customized workflows that automate repetitive tasks. You can design flows that open specific Teams windows at designated times, ensuring you never miss a critical meeting or conversation.

Third-Party App Integrations

Explore third-party apps that integrate seamlessly with Microsoft Teams and enhance its multitasking capabilities. These apps can offer features like advanced window management, cross-platform compatibility, and enhanced notification controls.


In the ever-evolving landscape of remote work and collaboration, tools like Microsoft Teams have become integral to our daily routines. The ability to open multiple windows within Teams empowers us to manage conversations, meetings, and projects with newfound efficiency. By following the step-by-step guide and implementing the pro tips and advanced techniques mentioned in this article, you can elevate your multitasking skills and optimize your workflow.

As we continue to adapt to the demands of the digital age, embracing the power of multiple windows in Microsoft Teams is a testament to our dedication to mastering productivity and achieving success in our professional endeavors. So go ahead, open those windows, and unlock a world of multitasking possibilities in Microsoft Teams. Your future self will thank you for it.

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